Useful Android Apps

Regarding cell phones and tablets, Android drives the race in versatile working frameworks primarily in light of tremendous accessibility of helpful Android applications. While the Apple iPhone, Windows Phone, and even the Blackberry all seek their own cut of the business sector, Android gadgets are, by a wide margin, the most well known, basically in view of their generally open source outline. Albeit each Android client is certain to have his/her own accumulation of most helpful android applications, going from recreations to utility devices for business, there are a few most valuable android applications that each cell phone or tablet client ought to continue hand.

Google Drive

Google Drive, is considered as a standout amongst the most valuable android applications. As Android is a Google item and a Google record is obliged to actuate the gadget, each Android client ought to exploit the Google Drive application that is preinstalled on every Android gadget. Google Drive permits clients to store and synchronize records with their online record and access a wide mixture of office administration instruments, for example, the capacity to make archives and alter pictures on the go.


Skype is cross-stage moment detachment that chips away at essentially all cell phones and tablets, paying little heed to the working framework. Skype comprises of content based texts, additionally permits clients to place sound and feature calls straightforwardly from their Android gadget to other Android clients and in addition PC based clients. For an expense, Skype even permits you to have your own Skype telephone number that can be utilized to make and get calls to and from landline telephones.


EverNote is a note-taking application for Android and an assortment of other versatile working frameworks that will permit you to record notes as content, sound, and even feature. Notes are naturally synchronized with your online record so they can be gotten to from anyplace on the planet on any Internet-empowered gadget and they can even be imparted to different clients by means of email or informal communities like Facebook and Twitter.

5 Most Downloaded iOS Apps

Candy Crush Saga

As per “US Today” since its dispatch in 2012, downloads for Candy Crush Saga have surpassed 500 million making it the most downloaded iOS application. Its ceaseless upgrades and powerups have helped it draw in such a monstrous crowd. The designers are petitioning for IPO this year, significance the amusement may rule for a considerable length of time to come.


Nothing beats YouTube at being among the most downloaded iOS applications. Does it beat in iOS downloads, as well as mainstream with Android and Windows. The application offers predominance in feature seeing. Little overhauls were added to improve feature quality and openness over Wi-Fi associations. YouTube is accessible from the Apple Store for both iPhone and iPad.

Temple Run II

Dispatched in the first couple of months of 2013, Temple Run II got more than 20 million downloads inside of four days. This second form application of the past Temple Run accompanies another turn, another female character and some expansion new courses. Sanctuary Run II can be downloaded from the Apple Store and is accessible for both iPhone and iPad.


Coming in at 4 on the most downloaded iOS applications is Vine. Vine is a Twitter feature application that up to this point been an extraordinary achievement. This application empowers you to share 6 second features in progressive circles. Vine can be downloaded from the Apple store and is accessible for iPhone.

Google Earth and Maps

After Google procured Waze a mapping application, it empowered the establishment of extra travel cautions on the travel application. This change created a powerful social GPS helpful for voyaging. The Google Maps application on iOS additionally introduced an application like Google Now that empowers voyagers to view inn and flight reservations specifically from their gadgets. The Google Earth application for iOS helps clients distinguish satellite pictures for any piece of the world. It’s valuable in scouting for oceanic landforms up to 600m underneath ocean level. This application can be downloaded from the Apple Store for both iPhone and iPad.