5 Greatest Fathers of Literature

Atticus Finch

The widowed father of Jem and Scout, Atticus Finch is one of the considerable legends of American writing. Controlling his young kids along the way of good integrity is hard in the Jim Crow South, and when Atticus, a legal counselor, unsuccessfully guards a guiltless dark man from charges that he assaulted a white lady, it turns out to be significantly more troublesome. Yet, his own particular confidence in rightness, ethical quality, and great, even despite an out of line world, is imparted to his children and to the world. His effect on the legitimate calling, particularly in the South, was likewise significant.


Marmee is the paste that holds the Little Women together through the Civil War and their dad’s long nonappearance. Kind and altruistic, she’s their ethical compass, their solace in pained times. Without her, the four young ladies Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth—are lost.

The Man

Like quite a bit of his work, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road is inauspicious. Outrageously dismal. Be that as it may, the post-whole-world destroying travelog is likewise a demonstration of the affection between a father, the anonymous man, and his child. The Man is the sort of guardian we’d like to have in the outcome of some disastrous world occasion. We just urgently trust we wouldn’t ever require him.

Mame Dennis

The flashy, unpredictable, brilliant Auntie Mame of the 1955 book of the same title is completely the sort of inadvertent guardian we’d love to have. In 1928, 10-year-old Patrick Dennis turns into the ward of his dad’s unflappable flapper sister, Mame Dennis, after his guardians’ passings. Hers is a boozy, exciting world populated by craftsmen, writers, and bohemians that, to routine sorts at any rate, would scarcely appear to be suitable for a young man. Yet Mame cuts out a spot for Patrick—including a really vanguard bare grade school, in addition to other things and their delicate relationship perseveres through Mame’s outrageous society and wild impulses, her rich spouse who tumbled off the Matterhorn, and even Patrick’s terrible life part.

5 Teen Romance Korean Series

You’re Beautiful

Go Mi Nyu (Park Shin Hye) is a religious recluse in preparing who acts like her twin sibling in a well known kid band A.N.JELL when he needs to get remedial surgery. There is a great deal of charming comic drama when lead vocalist Hwang Tae Kyung (Jang Geun Suk) is resolved to detest her and discovers her actual sex.


In view of a mainstream Korean manhwa, Goong is a dream setting for young ladies – Shin Chae-Kyung (Yoon Eun Hye) is made a princess and drew in to a good looking sovereign. The main issue is that the sovereign Lee Shin (Joo Ji Hoon) doesn’t exactly like her and they quarrel until they in the long run experience passionate feelings for.

Boys Over Flowers

After the astounding accomplishment of Taiwan’s “Meteor Garden”, this is Korea’s form of the same Japanese manga “Young men Over Flowers”. Jan Di is a spunky penniless young woman who gets an opportunity to go to the first class and rich Shin Hwa College. She meets the four wealthiest and most prevalent fellows in school called F4 and at first butts head with group pioneer Goo Joon Pyo. Lee Min Ho makes a phenomenal introduction as a lead and the other F4 individuals likewise add to the gorgeous sight.

Shining Inheritance

Go Eun Sung (Han Hyo Joo) is your common poor, however chipper, young lady who assists an old woman one day notwithstanding her own particular misfortune. The woman ends up being a rich representative and welcomes her to live with them. The woman’s ruined grandson Sun Woo Hwan (Lee Seung Ki) steadily changes to improve things and in the long run additionally becomes hopelessly enamored with Eun Sung.

Mischievous Kiss

“Mischievous Kiss” is in view of a Japanese manga and takes after the achievement of a comparative Taiwanese adjustment “It Started With a Kiss”. Kim Hyun Joong plays the uninterested virtuoso Baek Seung Jo who is everlastingly pursued by Oh Ha Ni (Jung So Min). The story is somewhat tiring as its just about a solitary and speculating adoration till closer to the end. It’s certainly a fan show for Kim Hyun Joong shippers.

The Grand Canyon National Park

One of the scenic and geologic wonders of the world is the Grand Canyon in the northern Arizona. The Grand Canyon is northern Arizona. The Grand Canyon is a huge gorge cut by the Colorado River over a period of millions of years. And the work of the Colorado River is far from complete. Each day the river and the forces of weathering combine in a process that continually widens and deepens the Grand Canyon.

Because of its scenic and scientific value, the area was designated a national park in 1919. In 1975 the Grand Canyon National Park was enlarged. It now includes areas formerly designated as the Grand Canyon and Marble Canyon national monuments.

The Grand Canyon is nearly 450 kilometers long and almost 2 kilometers deep. It varies in width from about 2-29 kilometers. The land that rises from the canyon’s floor is higher than any peak in the Appalachians.

Garcia Lopez de Cardenas became the first European to see the Grand Canyon in 1540. John Wesley Powell conducted the first boat trip down the rapids of the Colorado River and through the gorge in 1869.

Each year thousands of people visit the Grand Canyon. Several trails leads to the bottom. Visitors can either hike down or ride on the backs of the mules. The most scenic trails are the Bright Angel Trail and the Kaibab Trail. The canyon can be crossed by means of a suspension bridge. Visitors to the area often visit the nearby Hopi, Navajo and Havasupai Indian reservations.

The rock layers of the Grand Canyon glisten in the sun-green, pink, yellow and violet. Each layer holds a record of geologic history millions of years old. As the Colorado River cut deeply, forming the gorge, rock surfaces were exposed Embedded in these surfaces are fossils. These provide information on how the earth was built.

Both Parents Working: How does it affect the child

Nowadays, we don’t just see one parent working for a family but both parents trying to get a good income. Here are some facts why duo-working is beneficiary for the family and for the children.

An ideal parenting arrangement is for at least one parent to be able to take care of their children full time while the other parent is the one working. However, in this competitive world, a parent alone can’t sustain a single child and therefore, there is no other choice but for both of them to find a good job. Even as early as months old, duo-working is already a practice for most families around the world.

Families with two sources of income can appreciate exceeding financial foundation and most probably to encounter financial pressure. Not only it will be beneficial for the parents but also for their children who will not be an exception on what financial situation the household will be facing. If they can get a lot more income, they can put their children into better baby sitters or day-care centers, (primary, secondary and college) education, travel together with the family and health benefits that will last for a long time.

People might think that mothers are better at caring their children than just leaving on day care centers. However, studies have shown that there is no difference at all. In fact, they will be able to respect other’s authority, other than parents that will improve a child’s socialization. Children will not just sit around in a day-care center with a single person. However, they will be able to play with other children as well. Thus, promoting social strengths and values like allocating, waiting for your turn or patience and teamwork that will influence their connection with parents and siblings.

Christmas for the Youth

There is always the saying that children are the center of holidays, from waiting Santa to give you your Christmas gift and excitingly decorate your home with Christmas paraphernalia. When these children grow from being a child to a young adult, their spirit of Christmas starts to fade away but here are some fun and interesting activities to light their holiday souls again!

It may not be as exciting as it sounded before to decorate your house, insist yourself to do it. You might get to decorate a part of it with your own style and it will be your little achievement during Christmas. If you have a sibling, have your own decoration contest. Don’t let gadgets like laptops and phones distract you from the true meaning of holidays.

If as a child, you were only focus on what gift you are receiving for that year, now it’s your turn to think of present ideas for the people who are close to you. You should probably give your parents, who acted as Santa Claus, your siblings, maybe your special girl or guy. You don’t have to be alone buying them gifts, ask your friends to help you out finding the perfect gift but make sure you don’t forget about them.

There are also holiday events just for teens like beach parties, house parties and even in school. You can definitely invite your friends to a Christmas party inside your house. Most cities also held local programs and parties, be sure to check the schedule!

If your family have traditions that you have already been doing since you were a kid, don’t stop doing them. Making new traditions is also a good idea for your Christmas will not be boring, repeating those things all over again, each year.

What do you want for Christmas?

Me vs. My Sibling

Having a sister or brother has great advantages. You won’t feel alone when you are getting scold by your parents and you can have someone with you at him when your mom and dad are working during the day. However, parents cannot avoid to compare their children to each other. The best way to do is to deal with it or be better.

Be Better. If you want to be better then you have to start from the smallest competitions like who has the cleanest room. If you share room with each other, clean your things aside from your sibling. After that, explore the house and help with household chores. When your sibling is trying to pick a fight with you by insulting and hurting your feelings, don’t do anything, just ignore it. He or she might attack you and your parents will scold them for doing that. Don’t just get better grades than your brother or sister, get really high grades as high as A+. There is a time that you will eventually argue but don’t use your age or your authority doing so. Do it in a calm way and prove you are right. Even though you are trying your best to show your parents you are better, do not be fake to your sister or brother especially when they are around.

Just Deal With It. Think about it, when your sibling has more attention from your parents, they will be constantly monitoring them especially with school grades. If they are giving less time nagging you, you will have the freedom that you want. Less time attending to you? Do what you really love to. If your parents hated painting then you can paint anything whenever you want. You can also get involved with other organizations and even charity groups. You can even find new friends and learn interesting facts about them. You can also find a new obsession and be the real you.

Look at these twin babies enjoying their dad’s music.