Most Famous British Landmarks


Arranged in provincial Wiltshire, Stonehenge is an ancient landmark which is accepted to be around 4000-5 000 years of age. It highlights a ring of standing stones, the development of which goes under much level headed discussion. Stonehenge has turn into a territory of extraordinary religious importance for New Age, Pagan and Druid convictions, particularly amid the mid year and winter solstices. This is a World Heritage Site, so actually it attracts a huge number of guests every year, making it one of Britain’s most notable landmarks.

Royal residence of Westminster and Big Ben

The Houses of Parliament are formally known as the Palace of Westminster. This is a huge building which sits close by both Westminster Abbey and the River Thames. Joined with it is a famous clock tower which is normally called Big Ben; actually, what a great many people don’t understand is that the name Big Ben alludes just to the ringer itself. The official name for the tower in which the clock and chime are housed is the Elizabeth Tower.

The London Eye

The London Eye, already known as the Millennium Wheel is a monster, moderate moving ferris wheel which sits on the bank of the River Thames. The distance across of the wheel measures very nearly 400 feet , it has 32 containers and it takes about thirty minutes to make a full insurgency. The perspectives from the top are astonishing, so its nothing unexpected that this is one of Britain’s most well known vacation spots.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace was manufactured more than 300 years prior, and from that point forward it has been one of the principle living arrangements of the British Royal gang. Situated in London, the Victoria Memorial is put simply outside its primary front doors, and the Mall extends straightforwardly far from it. Guests are constantly ready to tell whether the ruler is in living arrangement or not by the vicinity of the Royal Standard; if this banner is flying on the rooftop’s pole, then the ruler is investing some energy at Buckingham Palace as opposed to one of the other regal homes. A few segments of the castle are interested in general society, so its conceivable to visit the rooms which have been lived in by probably the most popular lords and rulers ever!

Facts About Christopher Columbus

His birth name is Cristoforo Colombo.

Christopher Columbus is broadly celebrated in the United States, and different parts of the Western World, and his name is taught to children as one of the Christopher Columbus certainties. One of the minimal known Christopher Columbus truths, be that as it may, is that Christopher Columbus was Italian and his name was really Cristoforo Colombo.

Christopher Columbus’ dad was named Domenico Colombo and was a working class tradesman. Columbus was conceived at some point in October of 1451 in what is presently piece of Italy. The precise date and area of Columbus’ introduction to the world are debated.

One of greatest hindrances to setting up Christopher Columbus truths is that he experienced 500 years back. Columbus was not from any noteworthy heredity. He wasn’t straightforwardly identified with any lords or rulers, and exact records of births and passings weren’t recorded for ordinary individuals at the time.

We utilize the name Christopher Columbus on the grounds that it sounds more English than his original name in Italian. In Spanish talking nations, Christopher Columbus is known as Cristóbal Colón. The name we use in English originated from the Latin,Christophorus Columbus.

He went to England at the age of 25 years old.

Christopher Columbus cruised on numerous voyages from the time he was 20 years of age until his critical voyage in 1492, when he crossed the Atlantic. Columbus began his profession as a business specialists, voyaging and exchanging products for the benefit of the well off families in Italy at the time.

At the point when Columbus was 25 to 26 years of age, he made a trip to England and Ireland from Italy. One of the vital Christopher Columbus certainties to recall is that voyages via ocean were altogether different 500 years prior. What we should think about a little excursion now was very much an endeavor in those days.

Ocean voyages in the late 1400s and mid 1400s needed large portions of the current comforts we have now. It took a relentless individual to manage poor sustenance, ailment, harsh climate and numerous days from area.

The Greatest Guilds

During the Middle Ages of Europe, guilds were formed to protect the common interests of its members. There were two kinds of guilds, the merchant guilds and the craft guilds which will be stated below.

Merchant Guild

During the early Middle Ages, traders who travel from another town to the next one should always have a protection. Even the nobles become thieves. This is why the merchants built a guild to be able to protect their own lives, the lives of others and also the goods. It also served as a protection from the competition of other traders. It’s main purpose of existence was to hold a trade monopoly. Only the members of the guild can cooperate in those business transactions. They always receive charters which gives them the right to this kind of monopoly. A visiting trader must always have the permission of the local guild.

Craft Guild

Almost everything that people during the Medieval times were made by skilled craftsmen. At first, they only made for nobles but they had developments and were already engaging into trading. The demand became higher and it was the start of their relation to each other and started to build guilds. The members make one particular product and only the members can make specific articles. The guild was the one controlling the hours, wages and even the standards of workmanship of each member. They took pride on the products they were able to make. They had fixed pries and also conditions of sales the guilds of merchants. Sometimes, to save metal, they fold cloth to hide a worn spot. If he is founded, he could be banished not only from the guild but also from the town itself which means he can not sell his products or good in that certain place of interest.

The Creation: Gods and Goddesses

In the beginning according to the pre-historic Greeks, there was a great Chaos of a great mass of darkness which did not have a form, a sound or even the meaning of its very own existence. From this grew the Night and Erebus, the strange dark world under earth which is called the home of death. The next came was this beautiful thing called Love which was able to produced Light and Day. Mother Earth was called, Gaea, appeared next with Heaven’s blue, star-studded dome on high.

Cronus or also known as Saturn, he was the ruling titan when the world was still filled with monsters and he was the leader of the titans who drove them away. His sister Rhea became his queen.

There was a prophecy that one of his children will betray and overthrow him so each time Rhea gives birth, he swallows his newborn child. However, when Zeus was born, his mother hid him in the island named Crete. Instead of the baby, Rhea presented Cronus a stone which was wrapped in swaddling clothes which he eventually swallowed. He was able to force his father not to eat his brothers and sisters. Zeus grew overthrew his father and all other titans.

King of Gods

The most powerful god in the universe is Zeus. He does not just rule the mortals but also all other gods. His palace is found in the Mount Olympus. He was called as the god of the Justice  and the god of oaths and hospitality. The eagle was his special messenger.  He had two children, they became the goddess of the moon and the god of the sun. He pour rains on the earth and thunderbolts when he is angry. Fates were the only powerful beings against Zeus because he could never intervene on the fate they will decide for him.

The Greek Architecture

The most famous Greek buildings are temples. Since the temple was built as a home for the statue of a god, primitive temples imitated earlier Greek houses. Later they developed according to the design of the Mycenaean megaron. Most early Greek temples were built out of wood. By the late 7th century B.C. they were usually constructed of limestone or marble. The typical temple included a porc and large hall surrounded by a colonnade.

Greek temples were built in three different styles, or orders called Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Today we remember these orders best by their distinctive columns and capitals.

Doric. The Dorian tribes on the Greek mainland developed the Doric order. They were influenced by buildings at Mycenae and Crete. The Doric order is sturdy and dignified. The greatest example of this style is the Parthenon, built between 447 and 432, at the height of the classical age. Made entirely of marble, the building was constructed with great technical skill. All the parts of the building look even and straight. The columns, however, tilt inward slightly, and the base of the temple curves slightly upward in the center. These and several other slight changes were carefully planned by the architect Ictinus because he wished to create a feeling of energy.

Ionic. In contrast to the strong and manly Doric, Ionic architecture is more delicate and ornate. It was created by the Ionians, a Greek tribe living along he coast of Asian Minor. The influence of Egypt and Assyria can be recognized. The most elegant example of the Ionic style is the Erechtheum, built about 20 years after the Parthenon on the Athens Acropolis. Its design is unusual because it was built on these ground levels. Another striking feature of the building is the Porch of the Maidens. The six columns that support the roof of the porch are carved in the shape of girls with long locks of hair and flowing garments.