Deadliest Insects

Millions of species of bugs exist in the world playing a pivotal role in our ecosystem. Whether you believe it or not, for each one of us, there are 1.5 billion bugs. Often bugs are seen as prey animals; from birds to spiders to even humans eat them. But among these some are Nature’s most perfect killers. They are extremely frightening and you would want them to avoid at all costs. They are not necessarily the most prolifically deadly animal on earth, yet they hold their fair share of the unfortunate demise.

Anopheles Mosquito

At the first position of extremely dangerous insects we have Anopheles Mosquitoes which are one of those a terrible irritant and feed on blood. The mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant and unattended water sources. Millions of mosquitoes can hatch from just a single source. However the real threat the mosquitoes pose are the blood-borne diseases that they carry. Most dangerous notorious of all is the Malaria. Every year hundreds and millions of people die because of malaria. In fact the death caused by malaria will outnumber all of the death caused by putting all of the insects together.


Fleas are dangerous are directly responsible for spreading Plague that they receive from their host rats. Hence their bits are not one of those annoying little bits, but indeed are serious. Fleas contribute to the spread of Bubonic Plague. They receive it from their host rats and pass it over to humans carrying Yersinia Pestsis. Fleas feed on the blood of warm-blooded vertebrates and can easily infest animal and humans. If bitten the wound swells and leads to allergic reaction.

Honey Bees

Their numbers have increased over the years. They actually pose no threat to humans since they have no intent to do so. More so ever even if they sting, they die after the deed is done. Many people world over are allergic towards their sting. And many of them experience death due to anaphylactic shock. However unlike standard bees, these bees attack victims in swarm with slightest provocation. Each the death toll is reported in thousands.

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