Countries that United States Planned to Invade

New Zealand

In 1908, the United States sent 16 warships to New Zealand. The Kiwis, harboring no hostility toward the United States, respected the “Incomparable White Fleet” with open arms. Truth be told, it respected have a stabilizer to the district’s thriving Japanese military vicinity. Should war eject, New Zealanders thought, the U.S. could help restore request to the district.


In the decades going before World War II, the United States composed its military procedures by shading. To give some examples: The British Empire was Red; China was Orange; Mexico was Green; and in every situation, the U.S. was Blue. By 1939, it was clear that in an inexorably complex world, no military crusade would ever set only two hues against one another, and another arrangement of war arrangements were imagined: the Rainbow arranges. Those situations included complex collusions and clash on different fronts. The arrangements were ordered as Rainbow 1 through 5. That is the way the novel Rainbow Six, by Tom Clancy, was named. (“Six” can likewise allude to the authoritative leader of a unit; the “six” of Rainbow was John Clark.)


Ahead of schedule into World War II, military authorities from the United States became worried around a remote tie of islands toward the west of Europe.They fit in with Portugal and represented a prickly issue. In spite of the fact that Portugal stayed unbiased (they were excessively rightist for the Allies, however not exactly willing to toss in with the Axis Powers), there was a trepidation that if Hitler chose to attack Portugal, he would likely win, and the Azores would then have a place with Germany. Once under control of the Nazis, the Azores would frame a western front of sorts against Great Britain, and wreak devastation on exchange.


War Plan Red was a 1927 attack arrange in which the United States would attack parts of the British Empire. Why might we do a wonder such as this? One, in view of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 (which additionally prompted our arrangements for attacking New Zealand); and two, on the grounds that there was waiting disdain by Washington D.C. of England’s marginally as well amiable association with the Confederacy amid the Civil War.

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