The Creation: Gods and Goddesses

In the beginning according to the pre-historic Greeks, there was a great Chaos of a great mass of darkness which did not have a form, a sound or even the meaning of its very own existence. From this grew the Night and Erebus, the strange dark world under earth which is called the home of death. The next came was this beautiful thing called Love which was able to produced Light and Day. Mother Earth was called, Gaea, appeared next with Heaven’s blue, star-studded dome on high.

Cronus or also known as Saturn, he was the ruling titan when the world was still filled with monsters and he was the leader of the titans who drove them away. His sister Rhea became his queen.

There was a prophecy that one of his children will betray and overthrow him so each time Rhea gives birth, he swallows his newborn child. However, when Zeus was born, his mother hid him in the island named Crete. Instead of the baby, Rhea presented Cronus a stone which was wrapped in swaddling clothes which he eventually swallowed. He was able to force his father not to eat his brothers and sisters. Zeus grew overthrew his father and all other titans.

King of Gods

The most powerful god in the universe is Zeus. He does not just rule the mortals but also all other gods. His palace is found in the Mount Olympus. He was called as the god of the Justice  and the god of oaths and hospitality. The eagle was his special messenger.  He had two children, they became the goddess of the moon and the god of the sun. He pour rains on the earth and thunderbolts when he is angry. Fates were the only powerful beings against Zeus because he could never intervene on the fate they will decide for him.

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